Here we go! First of all, we didn't leave our hotel until about 10:00am. We decided to seek out the hotel that we need to transfer to later in our trip to see if it was questionable or not. Truth be told, I booked a hotel through hotwire. I've never done that before, but it was so cheap! Then Linda read something on the internet (cause that's always the truth right?!), so we were a bit hesitant on what to expect. So we decided to drive by it today to see if it was decent or not. We were happy with how the lobby and restrooms looked and decided that we'll give it a chance instead of cancelling our reservation (which is non-refundable by the way). More on this later...
So our next stop- undocumented with photos, was at Ulta Beauty. I've always wanted to go there and Linda wanted to go too, so we stopped there first. She got some stuff... I forget what now though. Sorry! I was too overwhelmed to get anything, so I passed.
I had to get a bag since I have so much stuff to pack. I was going to go to Walmart, but I decided to check out Ross instead. Good thing! I found a rolling samsonite duffel bag for only $40, so I'm gonna use that. Yay!
After Ross, we headed towards Torrance... My husband never asks me to buy him anything. Period. But when I asked him if he wanted anything from LA, he asked me to go to a taiko store to pick up some bachi for him. I couldn't refuse. That store is in Torrance, which is pretty far from our hotel, but I coaxed Linda into it by promising her we could go to the good Daiso. LOL! Just kidding, I didn't have to convince her.
So the taiko store was not open until noon and we got there about 11:30, so we decided to look for Daiso. We eventually found it and Mitsuwa Marketplace. We headed to Daiso first and shopped some more. I found some kitchen stuff and Linda got all kinds of goodies. I also picked up more of those Jagabee shoyu butter fries! Yum!
So Daiso is always entertaining... I showed you the banana cutter the other day, and this time I found the banana case! LOL! My husband actually posted the banana case the first time we went to Japan cause he thought it was so funny. It's still funny 5 years later!
If you don't like the long banana cutter, you might want to opt for this one instead.
After shopping, I was starving! So we tried Mitsuwa Marketplace to see what they had. I got the katsu curry and Linda got the tempiura bowl.
Her's looked super yummy. But I think it put her in a food coma cause she was sleepy after this meal!
I forgot to take a picture of my dessert but I ended up buying the strawberry shortcake mochido (donut) and a mochicream. Both have cream filling and other goodies inside mochi.
Here's what they looked like. So pretty! I got the sakura mochicream. Haven't eaten it yet.
Sorry, he wanted me to take pictures of the shop...
A panoramic view...
After Asano Taiko, we decided to seek out Tuesday Morning. Through the holidays we've heard so much about Tuesday morning an the dollar stores, that we want to try to go to all of them. Well, let's just say that Tuesday morning is probably a hit or miss type of store and the one we went to was disappointing. After our letdown, we decided to head back to the hotel.
Before dropping Linda off, I had to get her some dinner. She chose In-N-Out Burger since she never tried it before. I couldn't stick around for the review.... I had to go to Huntington Beach to visit my bro and his family.
We had a nice dinner at Red Table Restaurant. Never tried that place before but it was pretty good! I really liked their burger. Sorry folks, it was just too darn dark in there to get a food pic. We ended up sharing several entrees and furikake fries.
After dinner we went to Trader Joe's so I could get some omiyage for the office and for our family.
Didn't even get a pic with my family, but I'll see them again soon, so I'll get one then. Meeting up with a friend tomorrow so we have more fun up ahead!