Thursday, July 17, 2014

This is for me....

What better way to document my travels than to blog about it?  At first I thought, why would I ever want to share what happens on my trips?  The first time I ever did a trip report was on our first trip to Japan.  You can find that post here.  I am not exactly sure why I decided to do it, but after I started I couldn't stop!  It was fun to re-live our Tokyo Adventure every day and I ended up referencing it frequently to remember where we went on each day, names of stores, areas, etc.

If you read through all of my posts for that first trip to Tokyo, you'll see at the end that we were there for the earthquake and tsunami.  Through blogging, I found out just how many people were reading about our trip and were worried about us!  We actually used it as a tool to communicate back to everyone back home.  In fact, when people meet me that read my blog, they always seem to comment about my Japan trip reports!

Since then, I've made a few attempts to do trip reports on other vacations like when we went to Vegas, our 2nd trip to Japan, and who can forget Lfundoo and Kiki's Epic Crafty Adventure?  I love re-reading all about our trip and find that its better than (dare I say) project life!  It's great to capture those memories while its still fresh in my mind and is what seems to work for me.... so here I am now.. dedicating a whole blog just to my travel adventures.

Sooo, if you don't really care to read about all the fun I have on my trips, then this blog is not for you.  It really isn't about how many people read this blog cause this blog is for me... but if you would like to join me, I'd love for you to read about my trips and hopefully learn a few thing from my travel adventures.

Now you might think this is kinda funny.. that here I am starting a travel blog and I haven't even really been to very many places... here's a list of places I've visited aside from Hawaii:

Los Angeles
San Diego
San Francisco (though I don't remember that trip at all)
Las Vegas

I thought about what I want to include in this blog and along with actual trip reports, I will try to give you some travel tips, trip planning, and trip hauls.  If and when I ever figure out how to you tube, you just may see some video too!

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